Sunday, October 19, 2008


Here are some recent videos of lagoon and soccer. My wife erased one of my posts that had some cool links on it., kirstin roper photography, and I have a secret everyone; something that Tara doesn't want her mom my aunt Robyn to know about. I played another game with gays and dolls, oops guys and dolls coed team last night. I didn't have such a good night as last time. The coed teams only allow guys to touch the ball three times per possesion, that really lowers your chances of getting a goal. I think I might join a mens team instead. Our van got a flat, lame. We go to Provo soon I will take pictures of your old house Christine maybe get you homesick enough to come back.


Taranani said...

You make it sound like your big secret is that you went to play soccer again. That's good. Then my real secret is safe.

Bean said...

That is cool that you are on a soccer team. Travis was thinking about joining one.

Cameron said...

It is a lot of fun. I have forgotten how good it feels to be a part of a team that understands each other. To be able to set each other up for a goal feels just as good as making one yourself. I am still debating what feels better making a really good pass/assist or a goal or stealing the ball away from the other team. Tell Travis he should it is a good time.