Friday, October 10, 2008

I am still young

I played indoor soccer tonight at the Sportsplex it was really fun. Despite what Tara says soccer is awesome. To some its like beer, it is hard to drink at first but after awhile you start to enjoy it or at least the effects of it. To others it is hereditary. I play at work with some older guys and word nerd linguists but tonight I played against athletes and I smoked all of them. Six goals!!! I am awesome excuse me while I pat myself on the back. In case you haven't noticed I am passionate crazy about this sport. I have always looked back with regret to my sophmore year when I made the varsity team only to discover I was ineligible because of math. I am trying half heartedly to ween myself off of politics, it makes me angry and after I realize there is nothing I can change I become very depressed. Soccer is a worthy pursuit. It makes me happy even when I lose. I lost fifteen pounds in a week playing for an hour and a half per day four days a week mixed in with riding my bike to work. I make friends and remember what its like to be socialable again. Speaking of friends I have run into some friends from high school. Lane Argyle's wife Jamie, Sarah Lund Bangerter, Todd Allen and Mark Andrezzi. Someone should tell Tara she should welcome me playing soccer because I could be taking up other hobbies like shrinking skulls in my basement or VOODOO... (on Barak Obama) he he he.


Aaron and Carrie Warnick said...

That is funny cam. Your so awesome. We need to get together with you guys and do dinner soon. We miss you so much. I thought I saw you like a couple weeks ago. Driving down by Roberts work. I thought it was you but we were picking up Jenn from work. It sounds like your keeping yourself busy. Like always which is good. I have always admired that about you Cam. Miss you and love you guys. Hope to see you around and maybe get together soon!

Sonnet said...

Wow a little bit of a big head there buddy. I love soccor too. I used to run & get all the balls for our team in Phoenix when Shanna played. I was too into art to join the team. I like the voodoo part on Obama!

Francis Family said...

15 lbs?! You didn't have 15 lbs to lose! But it is good that you have found something you enjoy that makes you happy and keeps you fit at the same time. Maybe I should take up soccer...hehehe!

Christine said...

Cameron, you are the youngest person I know. (yeah, like totally immature!)Just kidding! The way you explore life and bring your kids along. I can't wait until my boys are big enough to go on that "Uncle Cameron and boys camping trip". We love you!