Friday, October 5, 2007

Down to Corinne...

My first entry was about Ali. I finally got around to writing about Isaiah. So now we are down to Corinne.
Cori is a sweet, chubby, determined baby- who is almost not a baby at all anymore. Of course she is my baby, so I get to extend that title as long as I want.
Cori's speech is developing much later than her older sister and brother. Since most people... well nobody except her... is fluent in Cori-language, I can't fill a page on the cute and profound things she says. She talks and talks all day long, and occasionally an English word will pop in the middle of it all. So I thought I would take the chance to write about the night she was born. Certainly the most colorful of my three experiences giving birth.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Great things about Isaiah...

Isaiah in Hawaii, 2007

You can call it bragging. You can say it's because love is blind. Or you can even call it blind ignorance... But my son is great. Why is he great? Why is it OK to say he is amazing? Because I love him. I'll never be a perfect Mom. I know as parents we have made mistakes. Some of Isaiah's faults are, without a doubt, due to our imperfections and errors. But the facts remain: Isaiah can read easily, has no problem with math, prints neatly, loves art, is creative, is loving and thoughtful, and loves people... None of this is by accident. None of it is chance. He is a bright kid by nature, but as his parents we have nurtured this. All summer long- each beautiful day included phonics, reading, writing, and some math. He loved it some days, and kicked and screamed all the way to his desk the others. Now that school has started... His mean Mom gives him an extra page of homework, and listens to him read each day. Now am I bragging about myself? If you saw the state of my home or my mind on any given day, you would know I can never claim to be a supermom. Even with all of these strengths, Isaiah is lucky if he makes it through a day without having to miss part of his recess for misbehaving in class. Sometimes it seems like he is another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But I know what he truly is. I can see it; like a boy with clothes that are too baggy and shoes that are too big, the person inside my son is growing into himself. And when he finally finds that right fit... The world will see what I see.

Isaiah with newborn Cori, October, 2005

We have always been proud parents, but try to keep our bragging in check. We know how annoying it can get to always hear how great someone else's kids are. My thoughts on this changed today and ultimately inspired me to write this. After my fourth trip to the elementary school to read with the children in Isaiah's class, I can't help but think about the children who don't get bragged about. Not because they're not every bit as special or bright as my own son... but because mom and dad are to busy, or there is only a mom or only a dad, or they're working all the time, or they are too ill in some way to focus on the child. There could be many reasons, and I can completely understand the challenges that can de-prioritize children. But as parents it is our job to figure out a way to put them back on top. If both parents have to work, or there is no "both" parents... we need to somehow find a way to focus on our kids. And we need to make them worthy of all that annoying bragging. That will change the world- at least in their hearts and minds. So now I will try not to feel that twinge of annoyance at others bragging sessions. (After all- we all have them, really.) But I will remember those who don't get bragged about, and I will do everything I can to make them smile.

Okay, now for the glorious list of 20 things that are great about Isaiah.

1-He is a goofball, who always makes us laugh.

2-When he is not teasing his sisters, he is a thoughtful and loving brother.

3- He is a fast and hard worker.
4- He is becoming a super reader.
5- He loves to learn.
6- He is a good runner
7- He can do more push ups and sit ups than me.
8- He has a fun imagination.
9- He's not afraid to pick up and pose with a buffalo chip.

10- Even though he had no fun at his friend, Anna's birthday party on Saturday, because there were only girls and nothing but princess plates... He still behaved himself, and treated the kids pretty good. He didn't even fight back when a girl was kicking him, or when Ewan was tackling him, because it was Anna's party, and he didn't want to ruin it. (This, by the way, is highly unusual behavior for him :-) )
11-He loves to go hiking and camping and fishing.

12-He can't wait to be a cub scout.
13-He always says please and thank-you and excuse me.
14-He wants to go to Brazil on his mission just like his Dad.
15-I don't have to ask him ten time to take a nap, or go to bed.

16-He wanted to be the best writer in the first grade, so he worked really hard at his handwriting all summer.
17-When we told him last year we would write to Santa and ask for only one present for Christmas; he understood. He cares about poor children and those who don't have food or toys or love.

18-He is still filled with wonder and excitement for the world! Finally getting to ride the school bus at the end of last year, to the Kindergarten field trip, made him more excited than Christmas morning!

19-The boy can eat as much as his Dad!

20-He's not afraid to wear his sister's pink robe or dress.
Sorry, Dad

Monday, October 1, 2007

Tara's favorite actors...

Luke Wilson

OK... Cameron posted pictures of his favorite skanky little actresses, so I am posting pictures of my favorite actors. Take that.

Colin Firth

Val Kilmer

Hugh Laurie

Rainn Wilson/Dwight Schrute

Hugh Grant

Tom Cruise

Steve Carell

Jude Law


In partnership with Habitat for Humanity, Delta's Force for Global Good will be building 100 homes that will house over 600 men, women, and children in rural India. We will join 40 Delta employees from across the USA in this project. We are able to take part in this by winning an auction using my Delta SkyMiles. Cameron and I will join Delta’s Force for Global Good build in Maharashtra, India from 11/9/2007 – 11/18/2007. The winning SkyMiles will be donated to Habitat for Humanity. This trip time includes travel days, with four days of building and two days of cultural experiences in India.

The time we spend building will be supplemented with opportunities to get to know the homeowners, the local community and fellow builders. We will be working on 10 houses at various stages of construction.

I am no longer a Delta employee, but a part of my heart is still in the company. I was with them when they fought bankruptcy, when they had to file, and on the glorious day Delta emerged from bankruptcy. To be able to take part of this service in a country where the need is real makes me happier than I can describe. To do it on behalf of the company I used to represent and in connection with the great organization, Habitat for Humanity... My joy is really immeasurable. I'll certainly be posting more about this soon.