Thursday, February 18, 2010

The great news, the good news and bad-but-not awful news, but mainly good news, YAY!

So, really? It's been almost a month since I made a blog entry? How does time go by that fast? Yikes. Well first the great news...
Truman's heart has healed all the way! His 3 month follow up appointment since he had the issues, turned out a clean bill of health. We are so blessed to have such a sweet beautiful boy, and we are so grateful he was able to come through everything okay.
Now onto the good news...
Cameron got a job, yay! He'd not been jobless completely, but since March of last year, he has only worked part time, or temporary full time.
The bad news...
His dream job fell through. The Portuguese job he tested highest- and was was recommended for was just completely eliminated. Cameron loves Portuguese, and was looking forward to doing a job he really loved. It's not so bad, because the job that came through is the same job, just with Spanish instead of Portuguese, and possibly some day- either someone in the Portuguese position will retire, or the old slot will be reopened- and he'll be in the perfect place to slide into it.
So his temporary orders end April 10, for his stateside deployment with his National Guard Unit, and his orders in Ogden for his new job start April 11. The stars aligned themselves for us, or more realistically our children's humble little prayers were answered.

***Editors note*** After Cameron read this blog entry, he informed me I misunderstood him, and the bad news is not bad news really. They are hiring him on as a Spanish linguist, calling him a Spanish linguist, but having him do the Portuguese job he so wanted to do. This will not be permanent, but for at least a year he'll get to work in his favorite language, and then possibly he'll be switched to an official Portuguese position, or if that doesn't work out- he'll do Spanish... Hard to say, but we're so happy he is getting the opportunity to do work he loves, at a place he enjoys!

These two pictures crack me up... The first one is Isaiah's turn to read the scriptures... Ali was really listening, and cuddled up to him soaking it in. I thought it was really sweet and unusual (they weren't bickering) Then came Ali's turn. Ahhh, so much for Isaiah listening... He's always been an early sleeper.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Praying people in the house

I was close to getting a good dependable full time job now it is possible that it won't happen I feel like it is teetering on the edge. Anyone who follows this blog and prays and wishes us well please make a request to Allah, Buddah, Heavenly Father, The Great Spirit, Elvis whoever you pray to please put in a good word for us.