Friday, August 22, 2008

Cori's accident

Now that Cameron has posted all those horrible unfunny posts, I guess I better explain what he's talking about. Yesterday, most of the day was spent preparing for pack meeting. We ran all over town preparing for skits, awards, costumes, memorizing lines, etc. At 5:30 when we needed to be at the church setting up for our campfire program, I left my scout partners house with the kids, stopped by home to pick something up, jumped back in the van and started backing up. Three things happened at the same time. 1. Isaiah said, "Where's Cori?" 2. I felt a bump, and 3. My heart fell to my stomach or beyond. I heard screaming, I didn't know if I would make it worse by putting the van into park, but I didn't have a choice. I ran around to the psgr side. and Cori was on the driveway, her arm still under the tire. She had blood on both legs, and a great big tire track across one leg. I was able to pull her arm out. It looked like she had no injuries in major areas, but I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure if I should take her to the hospital, or call the ambulance. I called Cameron, asked him to come home. Then I called him back and asked him what to do. I couldn't think, but Ali was very in control of the situation, and assured me I didn't have to worry because Cynthia (her friend) and she had just become doctors, so they knew just what to do... I couldn't think as it was, so her constant chatter was a little frazzling, but looking back was very cute. Apparantly they had spent the afternoon nursing a dragonfly. Unfortunatly it didn't end well for the poor insect, they ended up burrying it. I decided to call 911, and within a few minutes every Davis County emergency vehicle was on our street. Ali again stepped in and said, Don't worry, Mom... I'll tell them everything that happened and tell the what's wrong with Cori. Within a few minutes, 25 rescue worker-men and one woman were in our living room. I don't know what we would have done without them all. They took us to McKay Dee hospital in Ogden. Other than the needles, cold xray machine, and getting her scrapes cleaned out, she handled it all very well. Other than a questionable spot on the ankle or foot of the tire track leg, the xrays looked fine. They bandaged her up and sent us home. Pack meeting apparently went well. At least something did. Of course, we are extremely grateful. We are very blessed. Our home teacher and a friend in the ward came over to give us blessings. Brother Ward, the friend that came over to help with the blessing, lost his youngest son a few years ago under the very same circumstances. He backed his truck over him, and unfortunately the boy didn't make it. Of course that brought a whole extra level of emotions to the night.
Cori slept quite peacefully, and is doing quite well this morning. She is being carried from place to place, as she can't walk on her leg yet. Now, you can appreciate how truly unfunny Cameron's posts below are. He is just happy because he thinks now he'll be Cori's favorite again, since I'm the one who injured her. Poopy Pants Cameron.


Bean said...

How scary for you! I'm so glad she is ok! When we were in Utah last April, a guy in my parents ward backed out of his driveway and ran over his nephew on Easter day.The cute little boy didn't make it. He was just 18 months old. I get so scared backing up now. I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Take care!!

Christine said...

I'm really am glad she's okay. I'm surprised you made it through all that with Ali talking the whole time. Love you guys.