Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Tman was sleeping by me the other night and he woke up- I think his blanket came off and he got cold. Then he was asking me questions like, "Where is the moon, Mom?" I told him, "Outside in the sky." He said, "In the air?" I said, "Yes in the air, up in the sky." He seemed like he was thinking about that for a while. About 5 minutes later he said, "I hear the moon, Mom." He was scared because he could hear the buzz of car sounds from the window. I told him it was just the sound of cars outside, but it really scared him. He kept asking about the moon and cars and the sound. He was snuggled up and grabbing my arm. Poor sweet thing.
Here's my other special Truman story of the week. I posted it on Facebook- but I love it. Just one conversation reminds me why I love being my kids' Mom. It went like this...
Me: Hey, Trumanicles.
T: I'm not Trumanicles!
Me: You're not? Are you the Trumanator?
T: I'm not the Trumanator!
Me: Oh. Are you my Trumy- love?
T: Yes, I am. {pause} And you're my Mommy-love. <3

He loves dressing up and pretending, and getting a laugh.

He's pretty good at getting a laugh.

Potty-training Truman has been pretty adventurous.

Just don't mess with the Trumanator's mealtime.

Or desert time.

He's such a boy. Loves dirt, Trains, cars, mud, insects, frogs and snails and puppy-dog tails.

I love you, Truman!

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