Monday, April 26, 2010

Disneyland here I (we) come...

I am officially crazy, and have signed up for my first half marathon... I'm not sure if I am more excited, nervous, or just scared. Right now I'm only running just under 3 miles, and so I haven't started a half marathon training schedule. I hope to be at three miles next week and when I get comfortable with that, I guess that's when I'll start it. I want Cameron to run it with me, and if we can get someone to go with us to watch the kids while we run, he probably will. The kids are of course excited. It has nothing to do with Disneyland. They motives are pure, and they just want to go to support their mama in her endeavors. (ha! ;-) ) Anyway, I hope I survive it... I'll write more later I guess!
(BTW, not that I ever posted my intentions or my goals, but at the end of January I made a goal to loose a little over 50 pounds by the end of May, to reach 150 lbs- I weighed between 140 and 150 before kids, and again between Ali and Cori, but gained and didn't lose 25 pounds with each of my last two babies... So the update is I have lost about 45 pounds, with 9 to go to hit 150. Yay, me! I feel like I will probably keep trying to loose another 5-10 after that, because I still have too much belly fat- so I'll have to see if my willpower can hold up. Now that Cameron is back to working 2 jobs, I can't get back to the gym until Truman starts walking- our gym doesn't have a "day care" but a "kids play area" I guess the running training will be a good thing!)


Christine said...

Wow Tara! You are awesome. Where are the pictures? I'm excited for you to run the half marathon. Where will it be? It sounds daunting. 13 miles of sweat. Aaaaahhh! I just might run it with you.

Taranani said...

I would be so excited if you ran it with me. Cameron is just kind of being lame about it, not excited. So I need someone that thinks Disneyland is awesome, and running isn't bad. :-)