Monday, January 26, 2009

My baby

This is so like Cori. Won't admit she's tired. Don't even mention the word nap. It's only happens at time like this, when she is happily entertaining herself, with a sock on her arm. She sits on the top step, and suddenly is out like a light. I have found her curled up on a rug by the front door. Naked next to her crib. In the closet of a friend's room. Between the couch and the fireplace. Wrapped in a blanket at her aunts house, in a room we never go in. Her terms, her locations.
I had some cute sleeping pics stored on my old phone, which sadly is very very dead. But here's one that survived, the one of her asleep naked by her crib.

But isn't she beautiful?

Here's a sampling of her cuteness. This is her side of a conversation she had with me today, while I was working on the computer.

Mom? Are you computing? Mom? I nam not cold. Mama? I think Ali fall and bonka-head on the clouds. Mom! You were being bad and I yam mad! I will throw you in the clouds if you are bad! Mama? You wouldn't throw Ali in the clouds, would you? Mom! The cat is on the com-poo-ter. Don't worry, he will get down. He will. He will. Look! He get down! I scare him away with my cough. Mom? Can I get on the wuv sack? I can? Yay!

I know this is cuter to me than to any other person in the world, but she's my baby!

1 comment:

Francis Family said...

She is beautiful! That's too funny that she juts falls asleep anywhere...and naked!